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7 Common Misconceptions About Pergolas

7 Common Misconceptions About Pergolas

When exploring the world of pergolas and outdoor patio covers, be careful not to believe the myths. There are plenty of misconceptions about them, and a lot of them are untrue.

Here we go through 7 of the top misconceptions about pergolas, to help you make sense of it all and make an informed decision.

They’re not useful

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Pergolas and louvered roof systems are useful for both sun and rain, and for whatever your needs might be. The louvered slats on a pergola can open to let in sunlight, and close to provide shade or block the rain.

Our StruXure Pergola X features a built-in gutter system designed to channel rainfall, then distribute it safely. The downspouts of our pergolas are carefully hidden inside the columns. They are also available in a range of colors and finishes, complementing whatever color or architectural style your home is.

StruXure Pergola X can also be fitted with add-ons, like progressive screens, a remote control switch, rain detectors, fans and lights, infrared heaters, and more.

They’re a lot of maintenance

This depends on what material it’s made of, which you might have guessed.

Alt’s StruXure Pergola X is made from extruded aluminum beams, which are strong enough to span up to 20 feet between supports.

They don’t hold up to weather

Not only can a louvered roof system stand the weather, but it’s actually built to do just that. Our pergolas are fitted with a wind sensor that opens and closes the slats depending on the windspeed, protecting the patio from the elements.

StruXure Pergola X is also made to be watertight when it rains. As mentioned before, the built-in gutter system allows the rain to be run off safely.

They’re not worth the cost

There is actually great ROI involved with a pergola.

Alt’s guarantees that our pergolas will be made of the highest quality, and we always focus on getting the job right the first time, so that you can get the most out of your investment. The upfront costs of a pergola are returned with every minute of enjoyment you receive from it over the years.

If you don’t think you’ll get enough years of enjoyment from your pergola, it’s also a great investment that will increase the value of your home.

They take a long time to install

The time to install depends on the project, but our average time is usually around 2-7 days. Within a week, you could be already enjoying your StruXure Pergola X!

Their lifespan is short

Pergola is built to last, and our work is always backed up by our quality guarantee. We also have lifetime labor warranties on our projects.

They’re not heated

As mentioned above, your pergola and patio setup can be easily heated with an infrared heating system. This makes your patio available to you during the cooler months. The louvered roof system can close to block wind, rain, and snow, keeping your patio warm.

Adding progressive screens can turn your patio/pergola setup into an outdoor living room to enjoy throughout the year.

16'x24' Arcadia louvered roof

Traditional Pergola vs. StruXure Pergola X

Let us show you the difference.


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